Your Expert Guide to Diamond Acquisition and Fine Jewelry Craftsmanship

For over 20 years, Alithea Design has selected only the finest diamonds and gemstones to design and create custom gifts for every special occasion! Our diamond and precious gem knowledge is unparalleled in the industry.

Stunning Engagement Rings
The engagement ring is a once in a lifetime commitment, both an emotional touchstone and a financial legacy. At Alithea Design, our diamond expertise has guided clients the world over in selecting the right choice for the perfect engagement ring. Our focus on delivering an exceptional value melds sublimely with the joy you'll feel each time you gaze at the results of our artistic collaboration.

Passion for Details
Creating beautiful jewelery lies in the details. Alithea Design craftsmanship is rooted in diamond cutting, where perfection must be attained at even the smallest scale. Our passion for details is where your beautiful custom design begins.

Weddings, Anniversaries,
We help you celebrate your most important milestones and honor your commitments with one of a kind, custom made gifts created to last for generations.

Gifting beauty is a
noble endeavour
It's our sincere pleasure to create a unique design for a birthday or holiday, Mother's Day or just because - or maybe even something stunning just for you.

Pendants and Necklaces
At Alithea Design, we specialize in designing pendants and necklaces that are expressions of your passion or symbols that celebrate something precious and personal.

Necklaces &

Now, let's read what clients have to say....

A bit About Me
As Founder at Alithea Design I provide my Clients with expert diamond and jewelry making advice and high quality results on custom made designs. With many years of experience in this process and many repeat Clients across the US and internationally, I am committed to delivering a high quality result for an exceptional value. I believe that we can set new standard for the jewelry making process – one with honesty, integrity and ethically sourced materials in the diamond and jewelry acquisitions we create at Alithea Design. My passion derives from the important part I play in those special moments that come from creating a beautiful piece of jewelry or one-of-a-kind gift for those special occasions or milestones in people’s lives.
John Vardis